Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gangster's Paradise

Humble beginnings with sticks and stones,
We worked for food just like stray dogs.
Now we’re older and are breaking bones;
Thereafter tossing bodies in thick bogs.
Raised by the street, had only each other,
With joint efforts we made our claim to fame.
She would have been proud, had we a mother,
For it provoked fear in circles - our name.

In our turf better make sure you lie low:
Keep your big mouth shut; watch where you walk,
Or else on the footpath, your blood will flow -
The next day your “dead weight”, lined in chalk.
Living in a gangster’s paradise is fine,
If like a cat your lives start with nine.

Spring Break

Green slips out from under the White –
Its prolonged captivity led to frustration and rage.
The homecoming of Helios is a welcome respite;
And with due grandeur he ascends the stage.
Multicolored birds deck the air:
A proudly cooing dove,
Sexual selection: the affair,
Flies stoned in love.
For glee.
Amid no obligations for a week,
For all you know, a kiss might grace your cheek!