Thursday, March 22, 2007

Choose a title yourself,beholder.

I say, "I love you." I mean it.

She reciprocates, "I love you too." She doesn't really mean it,doesn't care.

I am just another guy from her list of a 43. She is talking to me; while admiring herself in a full length mirror,thinking to herself, I must be good, after all, I get so many proposals.

She resumes talking to me,"I am foolish to love her", she comments.(We should give her points for honesty.)Deep down she knows I am different that I wont stop until I have her, she doesn't acknowledge such passing thoughts.

She talks to me, time fleeting away, not getting enough of herself, although admitting I have some nerve to hold on....

As every conversation melts away into lingering memories, I think to myself how wonderfully gifted she is, how nicely she amuses herself, with forlorn guys desperate for love. She plays with me, complements me makes me feel like a man, she says all those things she would to her true love, sweeps me off my feet, makes me unsure of myself at the same time making me confident enough to pour my guts out to say those magic words.
I say if this is what love is; even if it is a distant fantasy; an unreal dream; I have never been happier, what is happiness but a feeling of being proud of what you are, being true to ones nature, and being who you've always wanted to be.

She says she has never dated,she says she never will, I say she will; one day she will, one day she'll realise that we have have something more than teenage crush,till then I want to be played with, I want to know I CAN. It may take years, it may take seconds, it may never be.

There is no definition of being in love, it may be a look, a touch, an online conversation or a simple gesture, a feeling like no other, this is love.

One day she'll really mean those three words, till then I have never been happier to get her attention although divided, but realistic.

No title for this one.

Life is dim; my mind is SO NOT brimming with ideas but there is nothing to channel these ideas into,here i am once again during my boards, here i am posting..,(this is almost getting to be habit,well the idea behind this blog is to ramble on utter gibberish that which when seen promptly forces the reader to A) shut his explorer B) wished to never have listened to you( that is when you would have been begging him/her for comments or if worse to caste a mere glance at your blog C)well never have wished to known you(thinking they might learn a thing or two from your blog but instead end up quite astonished at the crap you can come up with on such short notice.)

Well i am really sorry folks, to disappoint you so; but this post is the most atrocious piece of writing i can and will ever come up with(i realise it sounds like i am a witness in front of a jury of unanimity.."can and will"..but you may actually come up with better opinions for my do comment(this time i am not begging my contacts individually). Here goes i am bored,so pathetically bored that i can in fact describe boredom;i have nothing to do,no sweet talks with people of the opposite sex,no commendable posts that you would probably expect(or not,i am just an amateur what do you expect?!??!?!),the truth of the matter lies in that i am desperately running out of ideas;(not that i had many in the first place, but i like to overestimate myself...)i am so bored that i could go on for hours and after this experience trust me you will not hear from me again requests pertain to my blogging endeavours such as this one right here!
Please take it as a failed experiment,an application gone "conk",or just entirely ignore it,i pretty much hate this post anyway!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dance, Dance!

A subtle touch, an innocent giggle, words left unspoken but none failing to implicate the reality of the moment. I tried to talk myself into erasing the complexities in my life. I ask myself ‘why’ but then the inevitable ‘why not’ unceasingly echoes.

17 March 07, was one of those typical days in my life, those compos mentis people would term as unhealthy. It was a day full of stress yet brimming with joy!

But the only essential factor that made this day different from the rest was when she approached me. She asked me to dance with her; in her mild voice that was ‘balmier than the half-opening buds of April’. I on the other hand had to be at the same moment gormandizing and relishing some paneer tikka. Not knowing what else to do, I attempted swallowing the piece down in one big gulp.

We had already started dancing by now, my face was a myriad of colors; blue because I was choking, red because I was blushing more than I ever had, green with envy, cause she wasn’t mine.I believe I was dancing in a rather unruly and obnoxious way. She on the other hand had her delicate fingers embracing mine and she looked so beautiful that I was transfixed. She had the most charming smile and angel eyes that pierced my nefarious heart. Captivated by her looks, cherishing the last imprint, a lingering memory…

Nothing will ever recreate the happiest two and a half minutes in my life.
@Author Jason Fernandes

Friday, March 9, 2007

This starts like a testimonial i hope..but leads on to something deeper...

Here i am,collecting my thoughts,(not a "bherry" easy thing i say...),to perhaps describe this female in words..a class in herself...

Where do i start...its this time when you think of all those small things..those online messages..a smile nations away(sparked by me, i hope..!)...,a distant image;concocted form perhaps a personality encountered online...( thank u msn, hotmail, blah blah...Bill Gates lol...),she makes me feel away form this mundane instances of life..(like i am in a spa or something!) short makes me forget these trifle and i do not really go along hand in hand!!!!

By the far the only person has no issues with life;eats karelas( claims to like them..ughh! life to the fullest,(hates tomatoes how i have no clue.."only in pizzas")..i so cannot go offline when you are around..hope this brought out something lol again...!!!!

She hates pink we're getting somewhere..I will write more next time ...dont scream!!!!