Thursday, March 22, 2007

No title for this one.

Life is dim; my mind is SO NOT brimming with ideas but there is nothing to channel these ideas into,here i am once again during my boards, here i am posting..,(this is almost getting to be habit,well the idea behind this blog is to ramble on utter gibberish that which when seen promptly forces the reader to A) shut his explorer B) wished to never have listened to you( that is when you would have been begging him/her for comments or if worse to caste a mere glance at your blog C)well never have wished to known you(thinking they might learn a thing or two from your blog but instead end up quite astonished at the crap you can come up with on such short notice.)

Well i am really sorry folks, to disappoint you so; but this post is the most atrocious piece of writing i can and will ever come up with(i realise it sounds like i am a witness in front of a jury of unanimity.."can and will"..but you may actually come up with better opinions for my do comment(this time i am not begging my contacts individually). Here goes i am bored,so pathetically bored that i can in fact describe boredom;i have nothing to do,no sweet talks with people of the opposite sex,no commendable posts that you would probably expect(or not,i am just an amateur what do you expect?!??!?!),the truth of the matter lies in that i am desperately running out of ideas;(not that i had many in the first place, but i like to overestimate myself...)i am so bored that i could go on for hours and after this experience trust me you will not hear from me again requests pertain to my blogging endeavours such as this one right here!
Please take it as a failed experiment,an application gone "conk",or just entirely ignore it,i pretty much hate this post anyway!



Anonymous said...

dude dis lang is way 2 high 4 my understanding but it roks al d keep it up...btw whr did dis intellect of urs kum from??

truthsliar said...

its btr dan mine..much more..umm..interestingly boring dan mine!gud..!

Maximum Boy said...

well "truthsliar" and I are boredom annihilators from now on..if we're bored it's others we're gonna bore to death and kill ours!

Jason said...

It's the stupidest story ive ever read...I did not read after the first bit, it was so stupid...n i long ago recommenced the murmured repetition of mah favorite line-On the road to mandalay!


Sreeja Basu said...

hmm sounds like alot of very very very "hepshot" crap!! not bad!! :)

Safdar said...

u can do better, dude. way too long for the central idea!

Miraj C. Vora said...

haha..this one's some good bored shit..inspiring..cuz thre are tiomes u wanna writ sumthin lik this..all the while..