Friday, March 9, 2007

This starts like a testimonial i hope..but leads on to something deeper...

Here i am,collecting my thoughts,(not a "bherry" easy thing i say...),to perhaps describe this female in words..a class in herself...

Where do i start...its this time when you think of all those small things..those online messages..a smile nations away(sparked by me, i hope..!)...,a distant image;concocted form perhaps a personality encountered online...( thank u msn, hotmail, blah blah...Bill Gates lol...),she makes me feel away form this mundane instances of life..(like i am in a spa or something!) short makes me forget these trifle and i do not really go along hand in hand!!!!

By the far the only person has no issues with life;eats karelas( claims to like them..ughh! life to the fullest,(hates tomatoes how i have no clue.."only in pizzas")..i so cannot go offline when you are around..hope this brought out something lol again...!!!!

She hates pink we're getting somewhere..I will write more next time ...dont scream!!!!


Unknown said...

ahh.... i love this "female" she seems pretty interestin.. introduce me to her some day.....!!
but...... this lucky brat has had it frm me...


Unknown said... atleast dere r females whu r bcoming me....f hating colours like PINK(IT SUX )....hmmm waiting 2 read more...though i thought u were confused if u were a ......newaz nevamind...!!!

Maximum Boy said...

What urshita is saying is i am gay!
Please dont believe orkut ever again...

Safdar said...

not badd gay boy!!...urshita, trust me. HE IS. as for the blog, i wonder who this female is....n i LUV pink...hows that from a guy!

Anonymous said...

do i happen to know dis girl?! ;op "makes me wonder"... teehee.

Unknown said...

ahh....oooh this thingie sounds interesting huh??teme nah...more abt this "female" of urss!!lol!!

Unknown said...

uhmm nt if u dnt temme abt herr then..."im gonna hate u for da rest of my life" lol...!!hehe!!im serious OK!!

Anushka said...

SO this is the inspiration for the rose huh? You still like her?

P.S-Pink does not suck. Just because brainless, shallow bimbettes like it doesn't mean one needs to be a brainless, shallow, bimbette to like it. Actually I've always had this theory-an obssession for wanting to be different is as phony as an obssession for wanting to fit it. the thing is to follow your heart and stand by your ideas with conviction. But if logic proves your idead wrong be brave to accept it and change.Instead of doing differnet things we can just do things differently-I will wear Pink and I will MAKE it look smart. I will wear Pink and I will NOT act dumb.


Anushka said...

By the way, in case you were expecting a more sensitive comment, I'll save it for MSN.